Every Signature’s Important

“It’s surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.”

David Attenborough⁣

GREAT NEWS…On June 9, 2021, we submitted 4,588 signatures collected on our citizens initiative’s petition, 2020IN-1, that protects our designated neighborhood natural parks to the Lake Oswego City Recorder who will deliver them to the Clackamas county elections office for signature validation. Our citizen initiative petition needs 4,365 valid signatures to qualify for the ballot.

Our sights are on the November 2021 ballot!

We are STILL collecting signatures in the rare event there is a validation shortfall that exceeds our 5% buffer. While we are confident in the quality of our petition signatures (we’ve eliminated 5% that were duplicates and non-LO residents), we aren’t leaving anything to chance. We are being proactive to collect and be ready to deliver additional signatures to secure our qualifying position on this November’s ballot. If you haven’t mailed your signed petition, please do so today.

Our goal is to collect 250+ additional signatures by June 22nd.

While we are still in this pandemic, several volunteers who’ve been vaccinated feel comfortable canvassing their local neighborhoods armed with names/addresses yet to sign our petition. One volunteer collected over 50 signatures in a matter of hours just last week!! Even 1, 2, 5 and 10 signatures from several volunteers add up to bolster our standing. If you feel it’s safe for you and are comfortable with collecting signatures from your neighbors who haven’t signed, drop me an email (link below) with the street(s) you prefer and I’ll prepare a customized circulation packet.

Yes, send me names/addresses in my neighborhood to canvas

We are also looking for households where not every registered voter has signed the petition. Our qualification number is based on 15% of ALL registered Lake Oswego voters, regardless if they are active voters or not, and not by household. There are over 27,000 registered voters in Lake Oswego and ~14,000 households. Has every registered voter in your household signed the petition? Have you asked your friends and neighbors if they (and all their voting household members) have signed the petition?

Now, is the time where every single signature is important! 

Print, sign, and mail TODAY:

Share this message with all of your Lake Oswego friends and neighbors by social media, email, and in your conversations. Encourage them, if they already haven’t, to sign and mail their petition ASAP to ensure every Lake Oswego citizen has the opportunity to decide and vote to protect these natural habits that make Lake Oswego a special place we all call home.

Every SIGNATURE is Important!