Not confused on measures

My Voters’ Pamphlet and ballot arrived today. I found it surprising the stark contrast between the quality in the explanatory statements, arguments, and endorsements between the two LO natural park measures. 

The Citizens’ Measure 3-568 explanatory statement is concise and focused on protections limiting development; the arguments come from citizens with history about past City exploits and a genuine passion to protect nature. Measure 3-568 is the only measure on the ballot endorsed by leading Oregon environment and conservation organizations: Oregon Wild and Sierra Club — organizations removed from our local politics. 

City Council’s Measure 3-575 explanatory statement, on the other hand, is vague and confusing and doesn’t tell me much about what and how it plans to protect natural parks. In fact, it doesn’t even guarantee the “natural areas” that are protected until after we vote — what’s this about? Would you buy a home only to find the kitchen wasn’t included? And, one can’t help notice this measure’s arguments are all from politicians, many involved in past exploits, and City-affiliated groups; they’re attempting to confuse voters. I’m not confused. 

I’m with citizens who worked diligently bringing us Measure 3-568 to protect nature from development. 

It’s YES on Measure 3-568 and NO on 3-575! 

Kirsty Reilly
Lake Oswego

With Kirsty Reilly’s permission, we have reproduced her Reader Letter for your convenience and for those who don’t subscribe to the LO Review. Read her letter in the LO Review here:

October 20, 2021

October 27, 2021
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