Save your right to vote

Look at the so called “Nature Park” on Iron Mountain Road next to the Hunt Club. Where is the natural beauty in the large paved parking lot the city built there?

Save your right to vote on future similar development of our natural parks.

Vote NO on the City Council’s open ended “do as they want” Measure 3-575. Vote YES on Citizen’s right to vote on changes that may be made to these natural parks with Measure 3-568.

Do not let the whims of each new City Council forever take away and change our natural areas that were designated and given to the city to remain as nature at its best.

YES on Measure 3-568

NO on Measure 3-575


Anne Carter
Lake Oswego

With Anne Carter’s permission, we have reproduced her Reader Letter for your convenience and for those who don’t subscribe to the LO Review. Read her letter in the LO Review here: