Facts and the future

I’ve had several interesting conversations with my young granddaughter where we’ve talked about the upcoming election and the two competing ballot measures regarding Lake Oswego’s natural parks.

Recently, after talking about the issues once again, she looked up at me and said, “Grandpa, it’s really about the planet you guys are leaving me, and just what kind of future all my friends and I are really going to have.”

You could go round and round about the facts all day, but in the end, after all the smoke clears and you come up out of the weeds, you need to look around and ask yourselves why both the Sierra Club and Oregon Wild endorsed the citizen sponsored measure and not the city’s. Or to put it another way, why did one of the area’s biggest developers, Renaissance Homes — someone you wouldn’t want to be around if you were a tree, contribute $10,000 to the city’s campaign, but not a single penny to help get the citizen measure on the ballot?”

When you think about it that way you start wondering if a vote for the city’s measure is kind of like giving them the key to the tool shed where all the chainsaws are locked up.

I’m not willing to give them the key. That’s why I’m voting yes on Measure 3-568 and no on Measure 3-575.

Pierre Zubrinsky
Lake Oswego

With Pierre Zubrinsky’s permission, we have reproduced his Reader Letter for your convenience and for those who don’t subscribe to the LO Review. Read his letter in the LO Review here: